I have been a bit MIA from my blog lately. I have taken on quite a few projects, one of which is an online magazine catered to the military spouse. This project is doing extremely well, but it has taken quite a bit of my time away from my own blog as well as other aspects of my life. I am sure it will all pay off in the end though.
When I first started blogging, I had some idea of the direction I wanted to go in with my writing. As I got deeper into the world of blogging and social media, my attention was turned toward other things and my blog turned into a small product review blog. This was not my intentions at all when I began, but that's how it ended up.
I am going to totally revamp my blog and the direction that I want to go in. This will take a considerable amount of time with all of the other things that I have going on, but if I don't blog about what I want then what is the point.
I joined the ProBlogger Build a Better Blog in 31 days Challenge. Here is our first assignment:
1. Write a short elevator pitch.
Sometimes you gotta fess up.......I like mine and will keep it
2. Did completing this task change your blog, or change the way you think about your blog?
Completing this task helped me put my blog into perspective. I originally started blogging about military life and military vet advocacy. Since I have started learning more about social media, I want to share what I am learning along the way with other bloggers.